It is amazing how many people use the phrase "this is a classic Putin play" when they have no idea whatever what a Putin play is.

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The American political class's general understanding of the Putin mindset is so insanely poor that they have built him an incredible foundation of strength in Russia. His approval numbers are actually real - built on the back of NATO expansion and other perceived threats to Russia's ego that they'll actually back a strongman to engage in combat because of. It doesn't begin and end with Putin, either, and the worse we made it the deeper the roots of those that think like him grew, as liberal-leaning-brain drain just enables more nationalism there.

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Amazingly, we knew his red line - no NATO in Ukraine - and we stomped on it as recently as Feb of this year. Our consistent promises to not move NATO "one inch further East" were also forgotten within the decade pushing up against his wall. It has been my view for more than 2 decades that NATO expired on March 31, 1991, when the Warsaw Pact was ended. NATO deserves a dignified funeral with full military honors.

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Agree. The neocon type are too simple minded to understand realpolitik and the true incentives of their opponents. The ability to fight a war with Russia with no shedding of US blood is their dream scenario. Don't get me wrong, they are happy to shed the blood of US soldiers, but when they don't have to, their political exposure is much lower, that's what they care about. As Mearsheimer says, we have led Ukraine down the primrose path.

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Let's not forget that a company associated with Reid Hoffman, New Knowledge, was involved in the preparation of the Senate Intelligence Committee Russian interference evidence and also funded his own Russian disinfo false flag on behalf of Democrat Doug Jones in Alabama.


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The "classic Putin play' would be to just kill somebody. So yeah, it might be classic Putin. Just not by him.

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Russia-gate was like a poison injected into out body politic. Its toxic effects are still in evidence as we are now supporting and funding Ukraine's assisted suicide, and watch the Democratic Party in all its McCarthyite madness continue to support a demented genocidal war monger to stay in office...because "democracy."

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You gotta admit. As monstrous as the Russiagate lie is, at much damage as it has caused the world, you kinda admire their commitment to the bit.

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I was talking to a guy the other day who seemed reasonable, leaned left, and didn't like Trump at all while I only don't like Trump mostly. We got along, though, and then he said that we all have to admit that Russia controlled the 2016 election and you're just like WOW take away this guy's elite class financial security and he's storming the Capitol.

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"Political violence is always real or staged". While that statement is true (and true of anything really), I am generally unfamiliar with a history of staged political violence. He lists no examples, but he's clearly an actual fool. But can anyone think of any examples of staged political violence?

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January 6th 2021. Hire a few dozen night club bouncers and no one ever gets inside the capital.

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Yeah. National Guard would have been preferable, but point is that I could have easily secured that whole compound with a 100 or so large men. Or Alternatively, 8 men and 4 machine guns. But the powers that be tell me a bunch of unarmed yahoos almost overthrew the government, and I'm saying that just seems a little staged given how easy it would have been to restrain that crowd with a modicum of skill and resources. Alternatively, you could have given a weapons free order to all government forces at the capital and killed literally every single trespasser in under 15 minutes.

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You are very right, what I was more saying is that not being well protected was a choice. I think we agree that it wasn't that hard a job to do, but you have to try to do it.

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that guy is insane.

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