Jun 15Liked by UndeadFOIA

Fuck those guys! Keep doing the hard but meaningful work you are doing and the rest will take care of itself! You have my support until they return my body to the earth.

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Jun 15Liked by UndeadFOIA

I have no doubt you are busting your ass! What you say makes perfect sense, the info you get doesn’t just fall off of trees. Keep fighting, this is why I support you!

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Jun 15Liked by UndeadFOIA

I just signed up for exactly what you are doing. Russiagate is the hoax of the century. (And I am neither a Trumper nor a Republican nor a conservative). Exposing the US deep state is the most important work that can be done right now. Keep up the great work.

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Completely agree with you that Russiagate is the hoax of the century and this work is essential to digging out the truth.

Full disclosure: I was a Russiagate believer, bought into it and stayed glued to MSNBC for years…..then the Mueller Report was released and I knew I had been had. Hoodwinked, lied to, and made a total fool. I stopped watching cable news the following day and have not watched a minute since; that is until last week when I went to help a friend who had experienced a terrible tragedy and he has MSNBC on continually all day. Five years have since gone by and MSNBC’s Morning Joe is still pumping out Trump Hate non-stop. What an incredible brainwashing operation at work! Thank goodness I left MSM and get nearly all my news via independent alternative news sites and now Substack writers like FOIA, Aaron Mate’’, Glenn Greenwald, and Matt Taibbi.

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I believed Iraq WMDs and vowed never to believe the deep state again without doing my own research. I used to watch MSNBCIA too. I finally turned it off in 2009 when (that fucking imbecile) Chuck Todd had a "panel" to discuss the massive Wall Street mortgage fraud, and started it by saying, "We can all agree that mortgages should be financialized, right?" I have never watched TV (except NFL football) again.

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People are more inclined to write negative crap than positive reinforcements. For every idiot attacking you, there are probably 100 who appreciate what you are doing.


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Ditto This!

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Rock on.

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~ The DNC hack 'analysis' is the cornerstone, keystone, & foundation for the Jenga tower of lies the Uniparty/MIC/DOJ constructed to build up the Russiagate hoax. Plus it bet it will reveal the deep layers of intrusion of the surveillance state. Truth revealed by time (and your hard work) will open many eyes to the corrupt practices used against the American people. Thank you and keep digging! ~

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The Loper Bright decision will be monumental. As significant, or more, than any case that has come down in many, many years.

You should be commended for your efforts, including your pro se litigation efforts. And don’t ever think the opposing person/lawyer is better, or smarter, or more capable than you, simply because they have a JD. Trust me on that. I’ve been doing this lawyer thing for nearly 30 yrs. I know.

Whatever happened with the gucifer story you wrote a few months back?

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Thank you for actually doing the grunt work and feeding the Taibbis, Schellenbergers, Greenwalds, etal to further investigate and disseminate the information to us, the uneducated, so we can spread it further and hopefully stir action to be done to remove perpetrators' harm and crime to our society.

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I am so sorry you are getting that feedback. I do not know anything about Substack not mute or block them If possible. I can not begin to imagine the time, effort and financial cost you have been putting into this. You are very much appreciated.

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You’re doing a lot more than a lot of lawyers would do. I appreciate your work, especially after reading this post. Tenacity is the key in these cases just as surely as evasion and efforts to wear down and outspend the FOIA requester are the keys for the other side.

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