Gradually, then suddenly! Now things start to get interesting. Well done.

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Thanks. We believe our lives have been leading up to this very thing. We are the only people in the advocate community who have ever gotten a g/c case dismissed for lack of jurisdiction as pro se. Or as anything. 😂 We have a path to success we've gathered lots of evidence. We are committed to even going before congress or to the SCOTUS of need be. This has to stop. The courts have been utterly corrupted for profit off the backs of the elderly. It's human trafficking. Plain and simple. A terrible way to die.

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Yesss! Well done! Would love to know your argument and see filings on getting past the redactions pro se. I'll be doing that soon against the courts of Idaho who are redacting everything.

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Mostly just kept pushing. I knew enough about the document that I had arguments against every exception they cited. Things I picked up from Georgia Tech and DARPA's response to media inquiries and to Senator Grassley/Johnson put me in an advantageous position.

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It's amazing how far just "knowing your shit" will get you.

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Thank you so much!

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Idaho? What are you working on in Idaho?

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It's hard to believe, I know, but we have uncovered a vast conspiracy against the rights of elderly citizens of Idaho for decades. The courts in guardianship and conservatorship cases in Idaho (and most states, but not all) are required to notify with personal 3rd party service on the elderly person of the petition that will start the guardianship case,no matter of they're in a coma, or fully competent. This is due process and constitutional. Every person whether competent or not has a right to know they are in a court case. In addition, all emergency temporary g/c cases MUST provide personal 3rd party service on the person within 72 hours to alert them to the fact they have had all of their rights and their estates removed. The courts of Idaho are not doing this. At all. Judges, attoneys, Guardians, conservators, including ones who are certified, are not telling the subject of the case. They are being violated of their due process and civil rights, lives and estates stolen, shoved into locked down facilities without being told why. Some are being chemically restrained when they fight, families like us are being accused of heinous crimes and forced to defend against defamation false allegations. And this only scratches the surface of the crimes we have uncovered, Perpetrated by judges and attoneys in all counties through the state. We have told the media, the Idaho SC justices, the DOJ elder initiative, clerks, court administrators, guardian monitors, monitors of monitors, ad nauseum. In none of these cases does any judge have any jurisdiction. These people are illegally having their lives and estates destroyed and they are dying under these illegal NULL cases. We have just finally, after 18 months of fighting this in our own case (my MIL) gotten our case dismissed for lack of personal jurisdiction, and the attoneys all think they should be paid for the privilege of ruining our lives and violating all our rights. We have been investigated by 5 different law enforcement agencies, forensic accountants, 4 attorneys , 2 judges, all fighting us and working conspiratorily. Here's the beautiful thing... They all filed evidence of their own crimes, federal ones, too, across state lines, today, into the court record. Teehee! They have submitted evidence of suborning perjury, and so much more, all in the court record. We have lots of evidence of this being a Monell case against the state and every county in the state. We've repeatedly warned so many people for the entire 18 months in the court record that there is no way they can deny they weren't warned. We have about 18 lawsuits lined up. We asked for records request from ex parte communications between the judges and civil servants discussing lack of jurisdiction and notification and many other things they're doing wrong, and they were either redacted, or we were told they will not be providing it and we have to sue. It's a massive cover up and they've killed people for their money. They're pure evil. This has the potential to ROCK the entire justice system of Idaho. We won't be doing anything against them until we can physically hide and not let them find us. They've already called police on us for all kinds of BS (all closed with no charges brought) to stop us and silence and intimidate us. We came to Idaho believing that this was a last bastion of citizens keeping their rights. But they remove them with a stroke of a corrupt pen, in an instant, making it nearly impossible to get your rights and money back. All the money you slave to save and sacrifice for, for yourself or your family, can be removed in an instant if someone with the power finds out you have money. It can happen to anyone at any time. And you won't know about it until it's too late. The laws are fairly decent... It's just that no one in Idaho from judges to clerks, follows the law. It's a business worth billions a year across the country. Idaho is one of the worst.

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~ single party states invite corruption. lawyers in VA were playing the same games but not as widespread as you describe. ~

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~ bring it on. thanks for persevering through all the work, worry, setbacks, & resistance. The truth revealed by time. ~

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Thanks for continuing to do this. It is one of the most important stories of the century in my humble opinion.

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Stoked you (we) are getting closer. Was just looking back, way back, on stuff I'd bookmarked over the years, an saw one in particular, that, in retrospect, kind of disappeared. Was wondering if you'd seen it, and if so, what was your take:


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Justice is a slow prodding process, isn't it?

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