Man, I really hope this turns into something big enough to compensate you adequately for all the work you've put into this. This is the type of labor that a man really deserves recognition for.
I can just imagine. For what it's worth, I think you're going to make a lasting mark on History. This should be taught as part of a class on investigative journalism someday.
At least nobody can call you a grifter for making too much money off your work.
What you've accomplished, so far, is amazing. It's about time others take note.
I appreciate that but still have big goals to accomplish.
Man, I really hope this turns into something big enough to compensate you adequately for all the work you've put into this. This is the type of labor that a man really deserves recognition for.
That's a nice thought but it's unlikely I would ever come close to making back the funds I have put in.
I can just imagine. For what it's worth, I think you're going to make a lasting mark on History. This should be taught as part of a class on investigative journalism someday.
At least nobody can call you a grifter for making too much money off your work.