Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

The reason I think the SR story is fishy is because of how little media coverage it received. It was a juicy story - an unsolved murder, links to the DNC, an appealing victim, Assange mysteriously implying it was him, etc. Exactly the kind of story that the media usually drools over. It should have been the top story on every network for months (kind of like the recent Gabby Petito story which we heard about 24/7.)

Instead, we barely heard about it. So IMO there must have been people who wanted to sweep it under the rug.

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My take-away from this… Ryan is just laying down fair warning that the SR and JM angles are red-herrings that distract from developing events and reveals in his FOIA sleuthing. I expect that in future Spaces or similar presentment that he will just cut the mic when this is raised by a guest and politely reference this podcast. The topics definitely suck the air out of the room when the discussions get rolling.

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Yeah I get that. It's hard to even discuss it without people rolling their eyes and thinking "Oh great, another Seth Rich truther - what's next, pizzagate?"

So I understand and respect your desire to stay away from it, in service to the bigger picture. But, if there are people out there who want to stifle discussion about it, mission accomplished.

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sorry but i missed something !! your last statement on mifsud.. ''if true your pretty confident we would of heard something by now''...but we have not heard anything on the DNC hack or the set up by alexander Downer,,also nothing on the trump tower meeting... why is durham working backwards,,it's frustrating as hell !! if durham investigated the DNC hack first then michael sussmann role as top lawyer for hillary clinton on the supposed hack would have made the alpha bank hoax a lot more clearer !! again working backwards,,these 3 scams above is what most of us want explained !! not igor, hell in my opinion it should of been c. steele along with danchenko,,

is it that these unexplained non investigations are because durham is not allowed to touch mueller's work ??

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just listen again...so so many unanswered questions on mifsud,, if not JM then did george p just make this up ?? this is why some of us are so frustrated...this is ground zero and someone is not providing the truth...i just heard you say the mifsud/papp is frustrating and even when you give a detailed answer it's not enough !! you also said george p was pressured into giving mueller a name !! i find that statement astonishing !! after well over a year of the FBI/Mueller's team investigating,,they knew how the info came to george p..if.george p was lying then why didn't mueller indict him for the possible lie ?? to me it's not that hard to believe that JM was tasked

after all he was seen in pictures with boris johnson !! if he had connections in high places then why not !! i am not being critical of your work,,its just we have so many unanswered questions

i woudn't of pay for a subscription if i did not like your work,,actually you are my go to guy on russiagate,,your previous slueth chats are what brought me here,,so thank you for all you do !!

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hey ryan,,just subscribed !! i have questions,,many questions i hope from time to time you would kindly give some feedback...i am very disappointed with durham not investigating the DNC hack,, it should of been the first thing he looked into !! it's so annoying to me hearing people like marc elilas call it a attack on our freedoms and then tie it back to trump,,durham's prosecutors just sit their and allow it like it's a settled fact,, it is not imo ?? MAYBE i am a little off topic so i would like to give some thoughts on the joseph mifsud/ george pap controversy...

if mifsud was a innocent bystander why would james comey call him a russian asset ?? that's not coming from george papp,, that's from the head of the FBI ?? also with all the documents that durham had in his possession,,the doc's we can't see,,why would barr and durham travel to rome for their first investigation steps ?? if mifsud was set up in anyway why does his lawyer stay silent ?? also it makes little sense to me that george papp was pressured to give a name to the fFBI as i remember you or another sleuth saying on a previous podcast... how can it be explained that the mifsud 302 interview summary seemed very vague and protective of him ?? again this is not from george papp,,its from the FBI... is it just simply durham will not touch anything related to A foreign CHS ?? IF TRUE again very disappointing...i am having trouble with the theory george p

is full of it !! why would stefan halper pay papp $3000.00 for a paper ?? makes no sense knowing halper was a fbi CHS !! and no need to get into the downer episode !! a total set up...

why was papp arrested coming off a plane at night for a ridiculous false statement for forgetting when he joined the trump team...and lastly how in the mueller report could they not even get the date correct when pap meet downer for drinks,,it was on may 10th,,not may 12th,,not a typo IMO

if this seems long i am sorry...it is just so frustrating to see durham work backwards,,i don't care about igor,,or michael sussmann,,why don't you investigate sussmann's role on the DNC hack ?? now you just made t that much harder to investigate sussman's role as top lawyer repersenting

the DNC. on the hack..his lawyers will scream double jeopardy and targeting him !! very dissapointing !!

i find it impossible how some are hopeful that durham's investigation will answer all these questions while seemingly working backwards,,he had enough time and i see no excuse why he did not start from the beginning...now he could be pressed against statue of limitations !! as long as the democrats scream the russians hacked our elections without return from durham,,this will

be what you hear over and over in any future case durham brings... thank you ryan for all you do !! eric

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Most murder victims have families. Many murder victims that die in unusual circumstances have families., Mary Jo Kepechne & Vince Foster were little known figures whose deaths had political implications. They also had families. Was speculation over their deaths also out of line when it caused their families discomfort?

Julian Assange was the most famous, and courageous, journalist on earth prior to Seth Rich yet his implying Seth Rich was connected was to bring attention to himself? Are there previous examples of Assange publicity stunts that we should be disgusted by? Has he ever put out bad information?

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