Heading to GA Supreme Court
Circling back to something that happened a few weeks ago (I’ve been busy), we are taking our Open Records lawsuit against Dr. Antonakakis to the Georgia Supreme Court, and we filed for Certiorari a few weeks ago. The Appeals Court ruled against us with a self-contradictory Opinion that said my request to Dr. Antonakakis wasn’t properly submitted because I didn’t submit it to the Open Records Officer, and then acknowledges elsewhere that I did in fact, submit the request to the Open Records Officer.
The statutory language and case law is clear, people must be sued in their individual capacities to enforce the law, and we are seeking records held by Dr. Antonakakis in his personal email accounts relating to the business of Georgia Tech - made possible by their insistence that all of this was part of their “official responsibilities” at the University.
Fine, then it’s all public record too.
We know hundreds of emails have been withheld. We also know Georgia Tech misled the court in representations made in a sworn affidavit. It appears no records were transferred by Dr. Antonakakis in response to my request, and the University reproduced 165 pages of mostly non-responsive records initially produced to Jody Westby months before (with the exact same file names) and they certainly didn’t clarify this for the court in the affidavit.
There will be justice done.
And we will obtain the records.