FOIA's by Subject & More
I recently purchased new software which makes ripping through thousands of pages of documents a breeze.
One of the first things I was able to do was to collate most of the documents I have obtained and remove the duplicates, which amounted to over 1,000 pages.
Here is a master file with duplicates removed which should have close to everything we’ve obtained so far.
Next, I am able to extract pages by text, which gives me the opportunity to use selectors to filter documents.
One drawback is that if the filter word doesn’t appear on every page of an email chain, there may be pages missing. The use of a filter word may bring in some unrelated subjects that share that filter word, but it still makes riffling through documents much easier.
Here are the selectors I used:
Next, I wanted to point out a Tweet from Charlie Savage from today that relates to the lawsuit we noted a few weeks ago that Joffe has filed against Neustar seeking $2.6m in legal expenses. He was able to have the judge unseal the complaint memo:
Durham/Alfa/DNS enthusiasts: a judge un-redacted, partly at my request, Rodney Joffe's complaint v Neustar. Don't see daily news story here but some interesting details, e.g. Neustar established a subsidiary called ERP Services for sensitive govt contractsWorking hard in my real life job, also working hard on our research and FOIA’s, so I haven’t gotten back into our document review or some other promised posts, but I hope to soon. We’ve set up a Youtube and Rumble channel and we’re preparing to do some coverage of the Russiagate binder of documents, the John Durham report, and future FOIA releases.
We are officially on watch for documents from DARPA on a recent lawsuit I filed, so we may have something new to look through soon.
The Russiagate “binder of documents” is due any day now too.
I hope everyone is doing well.