This is not how our Founders had expected the country to die.

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I’m curious to find how much Garland and Monaco may be restraining him. I assume he’ll be testifying at some point during the next Congress.

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Quality rant FOIA.

But They didn’t win completely. Many of the agents despite book deals are discredited.

And Millions of Americans like myself who once generally trusted our spy agencies and our sprawling bureaucracy do not anynore. The popular will for reform or even to disband is now here. And it’s in no small part due to the work of sleuths like yourself.

VDH often talks about a decent solution - breaking up the agencies and taking them out of Washington and out of CI work altogether.

We just need some leaders who have balls and can articulate the story of what happened even if Durham won’t do so.

I know many think they belong in prison; but i think it would pain the Comeys the strozk etc so much more to know they were the ones who led to the downfall of their institutions. They would never be able to wash that stain from their names.

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~ I hope & pray we have not gone past the tipping point. History can give perspective & answers when we learn from the past. ~ "this citizen, under our bureaucratic jurisprudence, now has no rights at all. He is, indeed, no longer a citizen; he is a subject, and his lord is the bureaucrat. He must do whatever he is ordered to do, or face dire & devastating penalties. All of his natural daily acts become converted into crimes. It is even a crime to-day, in certain situations, for him to criticize his oppressors. If, writhing under their oppressions, he appeals to their official superiors, he usually only makes his case worse, for one bureaucrat always supports all other bureaucrats . The only man who escapes is the man with pull. The aim of every enlightened American is to get that pull." H.L. Mencken Prejudices: Sixth Series, Life Under Bureaucracy 1926

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